Almost There!

I know I still have about three months till I actually leave for Israel, but I’m just so excited to get the show on the road I can’t wait to start my blog. I’m making this blog as my own personal online journal of my experiences. As much as I love hand written journals I don’t think I’ll have much time for one on the Kibbutz. But I still want a documented account of my time there. I have been working since probably December 2011 to get to this Kibbutz and it is finally official! I am going! I don’t have the flight booked, BUT that is the next step. Also getting a student visa…Not sure how long that will take to acquire so I should probably get on it. So, for the official details..

Kibbutz Ulpan Ma’agan Michael. Located on the Mediterranean Sea north of Tel Aviv, south of Haifa, and west of Mount Carmel.

Program starts February 3, 2013 and ends June 30, 2013. However, I unfortunately must leave about a week early because I have to be back by the 28th for orientation at UVM to sign up for my classes (which I’m also very excited about).

I plan on writing and posting as many pictures as possible and not leaving out a single detail! Hope it all works well 🙂

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